ProOne Scout II Portable Water Filter

  • Recommended for 1 person
  • Dimensions: 5″ x 14″
  • BPA & PVC free plastic
  • Includes one ProOne® G2.0 5″ Prepper filter

Filters compatible with this element:

The Scout II is a portable gravity water filter, bringing a clean water source right to your fingertips. Holding a generous 1.5 liters of water (54oz), this filter bottle remains compact with a lightweight and durable design. The perfect accessory for camping and backpacking, it’s easy to use.

The water filtration system is a gravity filter and utilizes a carbon filter with activated carbon. The Scout II Portable Water Filter removes bacteria, viruses and other common parasites like giardia from your water supply, leaving you with safe, potable water for camping or backpacking. The ProOne® G2.0 Prepper ceramic filter is NSF/ANSI-42 component certified and independent lab tested to remove over 200 contaminants including lead and other heavy metals, chloramines, VOC’s, fluoride and more with a consistent flow rate through the water filter.

The ProOne® Scout II includes a carrying bag for the nested 9.25” x 5” water purifier, making it the ideal gravity fed water filter for camping, a backpacking trip, or international travel. The gravity filter technology and treatment method of our camping water filter provides a great option for clean water on the go without the need for purification tablets or chemical treatment. Water filters through the ProOne® Scout II with a fast flow rate for quicker access to clean drinking water. Traditional backpacking water purification can be slow or difficult to assemble, but the ProOne® Scout II is ready to use in moments. With minimal assembly, it expands to 14” x 5” ready to filter gallons of water wherever you go, making it the best backpacking water filter and source of purified water.

-Most portable, most affordable
-Lightweight design
-Made of durable BPA, BPS & BPF Free plastic
-Ideal for emergency prepardness, on the go, camping, backpacking, traveling or in the office
-Includes a ProOne® G2.0 5″ Prepper filter
-Nested size is 9.25” x 5”
-In use size is 14” x 5”
-54oz filtered water storage
-Includes carrying bag

ProOne G2.0 Ceramic Gravity Countertop Water Filters are NSF/ANSI-42 Component Certified!

ProOne® Water Filters offers affordable water filtration systems to help improve the quality of your water. Dedication to innovation, extensive testing, and exceptional customer service is our commitment to you! Get the only NSF certified gravity countertop water filter on the market today!