Featured Products

Our tried-and-tested featured items from the shop. See our latest essentials for your preparedness goals.
Zendure SuperBase Pro 2000 Portable Power Station (3000 Recharge Cycles)

Zendure SuperBase Pro 2000 Portable Power Station (3000 Recharge Cycles)

from $1,999.99

If you're camping, or preparing for a power outage, and you need a simple way to charge over a dozen products, including heavy-duty appliances, sit...

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from $1,999.99
Zendure SuperBase Pro 1500 Portable Power Station
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Zendure SuperBase Pro 1500 Portable Power Station (6000 Recharge Cycles)

from $1,999.99

If you're camping, or preparing for a power outage, and you need a simple way to charge over a dozen products, including heavy-duty appliances, sit...

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from $1,999.99
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